Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I read a quote today by Gladys Brown Stern and it went like this "Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone". It made me realize that I often neglect to express my gratitude to those around me. There are many in my life that make each day a little brighter and so many things that I am grateful for, like sisters who always make me laugh and make me feel loved.
Cheryl for reminding me to "comment" after reading her blog. I guess you could say silent commenting isn't much use to anyone either when you are talking about the blogging world.
Kristie for driving me to work every day and not making me drive.
Kathy for picking rocks out of my eye after having mud flung at me when I was very young. (I know you are wondering what the heck happened so let me just say "mean boy", need I say more).
Linda for her sense of humor and always having a good joke to tell, her beautiful singing voice and for not laughing too hard at me when I was scared to death going on the Tower of Terror ride at DisneyWorld.
My sisters mean the world to me. I love each of you more than words can adequately express.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

“An ‘ode to Krispy Kreme” by Chris Terhaar (To the tune of “Oh Christmas Tree”)

I had to work on Christmas Eve so I brought in Krispy Kreme donuts to make the day a little better. My co-worker Chris wrote the following 'ode which made me chuckle!

Oh Krispy Kreme Oh Krispy Kreme Oh how I love your frosting
Your fresh and warm In my mouth you melt You force me to Loosen up my belt
Oh Krispy Kreme Oh Krispy Kreme Oh how I love your frosting
Inside my thighs You turn to fat So please tell me What’s up with that
Oh Krispy Kreme Oh Krispy Kreme Oh how I love your frosting
You used to be By AZ Mills But you got closed Didn’t pay the bills
Oh Krispy Kreme Oh Krispy Kreme Oh how I love your frosting
Your stores are few And far between But it’s worth the gas For your sweet cuisine
Oh Krispy Kreme Oh Krispy Kreme Oh how I love your frosting
It’s been a while Going batty But we’ve been reunited Thanks to Patty!
Oh Krispy Kreme Oh Krispy Kreme Oh how I love your frosting

The hounds of Pattyville

The hounds of Pattyville